Links and buttons

The way you link content can make a significant impact on SEO, readability, and accessibility.

Best practices for linking text

The meaning of your link must be clear from the linked text. This practice makes your content easier to read, improves search engine optimization, and provides a better experience for users of assistive technology.

Both screen readers and search engine algorithms use linked text to understand your website content. Additionally, search engines use linked text to understand website hierarchy and may even use this information to create a site map. Properly linked text can help your search engine ranking considerably.

General guidelines

  • Ensure the meaning of your link is clear from the linked text.
  • Link keywords or phrases relevant to the page the user will be using. Keep your keyword strategy in mind when linking to key landing pages.
  • Don't link phrases such as "click here," and avoid repetitive standalone phrases such as “learn more” or “read more.” These phrases add little value to your site and may harm your search engine ranking.
  • Add links where they make sense rather than instructing the reader to scroll down or look at another part of the page to find a link. It's okay to have multiple links on the same page to the same place.
  • Link words rather than icons or graphics with embedded text.
  • Avoid using URLs as the linked text
  • Do not use tooltips or other popup functionality to add additional information.

Practical examples

Do this
Don't do this

Schedule a visit to see our facilities or sit in on a class.

Click here to schedule a visit to see our facilities or sit in on a class.

 Sign up for a daily tour or sit in on a class.

We offer daily tours. Learn more.

You can also sit in on a class. Learn more.

Schedule a visit to see our facilities or sit in on a class.

Look for the link in the menu on the right-hand side of the page or scroll down to find a link for more information about sitting in on a class.

Learn more about our retirement plans (/BusinessFinance/HR/Retirement)

Learn more about retirement plans: /BusinessFinance/HR/Retirement

Best practices for linking images

When you link an image, you must add alternate text to the image to describe where the link points.

Link text rather than creating graphics with embedded text or using icons to represent linked words.

Best practices for buttons

Use buttons to add highly visible call-to-actions to your website.

See design options for buttons

General guidelines

  • Use action-oriented verbs for button text (Schedule an appointment, Register, Apply, Download our guide).
  • Use buttons sparingly. Buttons are meant to draw attention and direct your users to take a specific action.
  • Don't use buttons to replicate a navigation menu or list out key pages on your site.
  • Use adequate color contrast.
  • Use the button feature in Sitecore rather creating graphics with embedded text to represent buttons.
  • Avoid repetitive standalone phrases, such as read more or learn more, especially in the same text grid or list. Repetitive linked phrases may have a negative impact on your search engine ranking.

Email addresses

Always ensure email addresses are visible when linking them. Never require a user to click on a link or button to see an email address. This can present a significant user experience and accessibility issue. Read more about how to present email addresses.