M.S. in Business Analytics Curriculum

The curriculum of the Master of Science in Business Analytics program is an educational experience that provides knowledge and skills in key business analytics disciplines so students can become successful in their careers.

Curriculum (As of Fall 2023 entry)
Total Credit Hours: 33

Fall Term – Module A Courses

Managerial Statistics

  • Business Metrics
  • Decision Models
  • Programming for Analytics
  • Managing Your Career (continues throughout every module in MSBA program)

Fall Term – Module B Courses

  • Database Design for Business Applications
  • Data Mining
  • Business Analytics Consulting
  • One Elective*

Spring Term – Module A Courses

  • Business Analytics Capstone or Business Analytics Internship
  • Applied Predictive Analytics I
  • Advanced Decision Models
  • One Elective*

Spring Term – Module B Courses

  • Test and Learn (a.k.a. Applied Probability Models)
  • Business Analytics Capstone or Business Analytics Internship
  • Two Electives*

*A total of 4 electives (totaling 8 hours) are required for the Full-Time program.

**Max credits per semester is 20; minimum is 9. Data Visualization and Communication is an elective offered only in Fall B. If in the Spring, your gpa is 3.5 or greater, students can take up to 2 additional electives at no additional cost.

Term 1 Fall Credit Hours: 16

Term 2 Fall Credit Hours: 17

Credit Hours Summary for MSBA Program

  • 25 credit hours of required courses
  • 8 hours of elective courses
  • 33 credit hours total for MSBA degree

(Curriculum subject to change. .)

Self Study, Orientations, and Boot Camps

Summer Self Study

In the summer, students will complete the following:

  • DataCamp - Review/learn skills such as SAS, SQL, R and Python with over 100+ courses online
  • CMC Kickstart - prep work for your year ahead, including some resume work and various career activities

Required Orientations and Boot Camps

Classes typically begin mid-August but it is highly recommended that students arrive in Dallas the beginning of August. International students can arrive up to 1 month before the start date of classes. Prior to the start of classes, students will be required to attend the following:

MSBA Orientation - This is mandatory for ALL students!
It is held the first week in August for 2 days. Specific dates will be sent in the summer.

International Orientation - This is mandatory for International Students
International students are required to attend both the MSBA Orientation as well as the International Orientation. International Orientation is one day scheduled in the beginning of August. Specific dates will be sent in the summer.

Boot Camps – These are mandatory for ALL students!
There are 2 bootcamps that will be held in August that are required for all Students.

  • Introduction to Analysis
  • Excel / VBA Bootcamp