Sebastian Paramo




Ph.D. University of North Texas
M.F.A. Sarah Lawrence College


Sebastian H. Paramo (he/him) is the author of Portrait of Us Burning (Curbstone Books, 2023) and was named a finalist for the 2023 Best First Book of Poetry by the Texas Institute of Letters. His poems have recently appeared in AGNI, Poetry Northwest, The Arkansas International, Prairie Schooner, Literary Hub, and elsewhere.

His work has received fellowships and support from the Dobie Paisano Fellowship Program at UT-Austin, CantoMundo, among others. He is the founding editor of The Boiler and lives in Texas. 


Areas of Interest


Latinx Literature

Literature of Place


Writing and Publishing


Texas Institute of Letters finalist for the John A. Robertson Award for Best 

First Book of Poetry for Portrait of Us Burning

CantoMundo Fellowship 

Dobie Paisano Fellowship at The University of Texas at Austin



Portrait of Us Burning (Curbstone Books, 2023)

The Field Trip, D Magazine 

The Fire Next Time, D Magazine  Dallas)

The Tejano Considers Seeds, Academy of American Poets

Courses Taught:

WRTR 1312 and WRTR 1313