
Political Science Minor

The Political Science Department offers four minor concentrations. One is general in nature, and three are specifically focused. The basic requirement is 18 semester hours of political sciences distributed among introductory courses and upper-level subfield courses as follows:

  • Political Science: Offers general coverage in the discipline; also appropriate for those seeking a secondary teaching field.
  • Political Thought: Recommended for students interested in philosophy and intellectual history.
  • Comparative and International Politics: Recommended for students interested in the Foreign Service, the military, international business and commerce, journalism, or area studies.
  • American Politics: Recommended for students interested in pre-law, journalism, American history, or business administration.

Law and Legal Reasoning Minor

The minor in law and legal reasoning provides a coherent grouping of courses from different disciplines, examining the foundations and applications of the law. Specifically, the minor is designed to provide students with the knowledge of substantive law, along with the following skills: legal analysis and reasoning, oral advocacy, research and writing.