Oral History of Walter LaFeber

Below you will find access to each of the filmed oral histories contributed to the Oral History of Walter LaFeber. When complete, each participant’s page will include both a video and a PDF transcription.

Stephen Arbogast

Cornell BA, Class of 1970

Jeffrey Bialos

Cornell BA, Class of 1978


Susan Brewer

Cornell PhD, Class of 1987

Frank Costigliola

Cornell PhD, Class of 1973

Alison Dreizen

Cornell BA, Class of 1974

Bob Einhorn

Cornell BA, Class of 1969

LizAnn Eisen

Cornell BA, Class of 1994

Anne Foster

Cornell MA, Class of 1991, PhD Class of 1995

David Green

Cornell BA, Class of 1962, PhD Class of 1967

Stephen Hadley

Cornell BA, Class of 1969

Robert Hannigan

Cornell, Class of 1971

Richard Immerman

Cornell, Class of 1971

Suzanne Kahl

Scott LaFeber

David Langbart

Cornell, Class of 1979

Melvyn Leffler

Cornell BS, Class of 1966

Douglass Little

Cornell PhD, Class of 1978

Lorena Oropeza

Cornell PhD, Class of 1995

Andrew Rotter

Cornell BA, Class of 1975

Sayuri Shimizu

Cornell MA, Class of 1988, PhD Class of 1992

James Siekmeier

Cornell MA, Class of 1989, PhD Class of 1993

C. Evan Stewart

Cornell BA, Class of 1974, JD Class of 1977

Andrew Tisch

Cornell BS, Class of 1971

 Jessica Wang

Cornell, Class of 1988