Three Meadows Faculty and a Current Student To Present at "Dallas Festival of Ideas," Feb. 27-28

The future of Dallas: Meadows representatives to contribute performances, serve as panelists at inaugural conference

Arts District

Three Meadows faculty and a current student will be among the presenters in “For the City: The Dallas Festival of Ideas,” a two-day conference being held Feb. 27 and 28 at venues throughout the Dallas Arts District. The inaugural festival, sponsored by the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture and The Dallas Morning News, aims to bring national and local thinkers together with audience members to discuss ideas for the future of Dallas – as a physical city, cultural city, innovative city, political city and educated city. In an article in the Morning News, Dallas Institute Director Larry Allums said, “Our goal is to ignite and challenge the people of Dallas to think about what they want their city to be.” The festival will also lay out concrete action steps that can be taken beginning the week after the conference.

Meadows participants include arts entrepreneurship faculty member Trey Bowles, who will participate in a Saturday panel on The Innovative City; vocal performance and music education student Maya Jones, who will perform on Friday night as part of the conference opening events and again on Saturday afternoon as part of The Political City program; Zannie Voss, chair of the Division of Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship, who will moderate a Saturday panel on how Dallas can attract and retain creative talent; and Jamal Mohamed, director of the Meadows World Music Ensemble. Mohamed will perform Friday night with his own quintet and on Saturday with the Meadows World Music Ensemble as part of The Cultural City program, and he will also serve as a panelist with Zannie Voss on Saturday. In addition, the Dallas Theater Center will present an excerpt of a play by Theatre Artist-in-Residence Will Power on Friday night.

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