Adrienne M. and Charles Shelby Rooks Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Theological Students


Master of Divinity students are expected to be a Member in Discernment. Doctoral students must be enrolled in an ATS accredited seminary or theological school leading to a PH.D., Th.D., D.Min. or Ed.D., in a field related to religions studies. Preference will be given to Doctoral students who have demonstrated promise of academic excellence, teaching effectiveness, and commitment to the United Church of Christ and who intend to become professors in colleges, seminaries, or graduate schools. Rooks Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, educational fees charged by the educational institution, books, room and board and basic living expenses (housing, food). Payment will be made to the seminary or theological school. Rooks Scholars may request funds from the institution for basic living expenses.

For Doctoral Students:  

For Masters Students:   



Varies (renewable)




The Adrienne M. and Charles Shelby Rooks Fellowship

Pat Lyden
Associate Director, Grant and Scholarship Administration
700 Prospect Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115



More Information