Central Texas Conference Dr. G. Alfred & Opal Brown Ministerial Scholarship


Dr. G. Alfred & Opal Brown Ministerial Scholarship for a student planning for ministry as an elder in the CTC at seminary approved by the United Methodist University Senate ($5,000)

The criteria for consideration include:

  1. Membership in The United Methodist Church for at least one year and current membership in a United Methodist congregation.
  2. Acceptance in a school identified as United Methodist by the University Senate of The United Methodist Church.
  3. Nomination by the pastor and chairperson of Higher Education of a congregation within the bounds of the Central Texas Conference that participated in the United Methodist Student Day offering in the year preceding the nomination.
  4. Evidence that the student is one who will help undergird The United Methodist Church now and, potentially, in the future and that the individual nominee merits this special recognition.

The selection committee will consider the above criteria and will seek to make all awards with the additional consideration that students from all areas and segments of the Annual Conference be recognized over the period of succeeding years.

Each local church is invited to nominate no more than one student annually for the Merit Award and the Brown Scholarship by completing an official nomination form and sending it, as instructed, on or before May 1.

The awards will be announced at Annual Conference. The awards shall be made to each student as a part of that student's, or his/her parents' contribution to the cost of education.






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