General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM)


The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) offers various scholarships utilizing one application. Students must have been an active member of the United Methodist Church for 1 year to apply. Award amounts vary but are usually from $1,000 to $2,000. Below are the scholarships available:

Baltimore Washington Conference Sophia Dietsch Education Scholarship: Baltimore City resident; in the candidacy process 

Baltimore Washington Scholarship Merit Fund: full-time student; must be a member of the Baltimore-Washington Conference

Baltimore Washington Conference Francis Asbury Scholarship: full-time student; child of a pastor; must be a member of the Baltimore-Washington Conference

Baltimore Washington Conference Board of Trustees/Merit Scholarship: based on need, GPA, and finances; must be a member of the Baltimore-Washington Conference

Charles W. Tadlock Scholarship: certified candidate for ordination as an elder; second year of seminary; M.Div. candidate; GPA 3.0+

The Clinical Pastoral Education - Ethnic In Service Training (EIST) Stipend: racial-ethnic minority student; clergy, certified candidate, or seminary student accepted into an accredited Clinical Pastor Education (CPE) or an accredited American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) program

Diaconia Graduate Fellowship: commissioned deacon candidates, deacons, or diaconal ministers

E. Craig Brandenburg: over age 35; second career

Georgia Harkness: female; age 35+; M.Div. candidate; certified candidate for the elder track; second career

John Q. Schisler Scholarship: Christian education; preparing for Ordained Deacon or lay professional; 3 year membership in UMC

Journey Toward Ordained Ministry: racial-ethnic minority student; pursuing ordained ministry (deacon or elder); age 30 and younger; minimum of 2 years membership in the UMC

Miriam Hoffman Scholarship: music ministry

Native American Seminary: Native American students; 3 year membership in the UMC; certified candidate or pursuing candidacy

Special Seminary Scholarship: pursuing ordained ministry; certified candidate; age 30 or younger

To apply for any of these scholarships, visit the .


$1,000 to $2,000




There is one common common application for all of the above scholarships. The application must be between January 5 and March 1.

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