‘Faith Calls’ Young Scholars Connect Though Social Media

Summer Academy Young Scholars share their experiences via Facebook, Instagram, and Wordpress.

The 2015 Faith Calls Young Scholars are now in their second week of study and have been busy sharing their experiences through social media, including , , and a blog.

The video above was created by Kathleen Pryor, a Faith Calls Summer Academy graduate volunteer (and former participant), who will be joining Perkins School of Theology this fall as a first-year M.Div. student!

Faith Calls Summer Academy is a two-week residential summer experience for rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors. It is the flagship component of the Faith Calls program which integrates theological study, vocational discernment, and faith practices of worship, prayer, service, community, and critical reflection on issues of faith and society. 

The Summer Academy is centered around these curriculum objectives:
  • Youth will study theology, the Bible and the Christian tradition.
  • Youth will develop skills for theological reflection to analyze social issues through a Christian theological perspective.
  • Youth will explore and develop practices for nurturing their own spirituality and faith formation.
  • Youth will engage in experiences where they can discern their gifts for service and ministry.
  • Youth will examine a variety of vocational options in ministry, church and community leadership

Check out some of their Instagram photos and videos: 

Young Scholars are also actively blogging their journey on WordPress: 

We hope you'll take a moment to connect with our Faith Calls Summer Academy Young Scholars through social media and —like them— be changed, challenged, and inspired by faith.