Come and See: The Master of Theological Studies Degree at Perkins School of Theology

The Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) degree program is designed to provide a basic understanding of the theological disciplines as a foundation for further graduate study, for enhancement of lay leadership roles, or for personal enrichment. The degree requirements are designed to ensure some breadth of exposure to the various disciplines of theological study, while at the same time allowing each student to fashion a plan of study that server her or his particular interests and goals.

Meet three Perkins School of Theology Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) alums—active in the Dallas business, medical and non-profit arenas—who tell their unique stories in this “Come and See” video:

Perkins invites you to explore the M.T.S. degree or to take a single class. For more information, contact or 1-888-THEOLOGY.

Learn more about the Master of Theological Studies Degree: