Hamilton Scholars 2019-2020

Nicole Adams

Mentor: Dr. Priscilla Lui

Project Title: "Coping with Racial Discrimination Among Hispanic Americans"

 Sarah Bivans

Mentor: Dr. William Orr

Project Title: "Determining the Effects of Modulation of Peroxiredoxin 6 on Alzheimer's Disease"

John Marshall Calkins

Mentor: Dr. Jo Guldi

Project Title: "Democracy Lab"

Daniel Chavez

Mentor: Dr. Peng Tao

Project Title: "Protein Design | Manipulation of the EF-Hand Loop: A Semi-tight Binding Chloride Ion"

Pranjal Chokshi

Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Tabak

Project Title: "Connecting Oxytocin and Vasopressin to the Cortisol Awakening Response"

Bronson Ciavarra

Mentor: Dr. William Orr

Project Title: "Effect of Over-expression of Mitochondrial Peroxiredoxins on Alzheimer's Disease"

Melina Corriveau

Mentor: Dr. Robert Harrod

Project Title: "Characterization of the Ras/p53-signalingaxis in HPV-induced Cancers"

Quynh-Chi Dang

Mentor: Dr. Steven Vik

Project Title: "Analysis of Human Mutations Modeled in nuoJ of Complex I"

Quynh-Anh Dang

Mentor: Dr. William Orr

Project Title: "Determining the Impact of Prx6 Under and Overexpression on Biomarkers of Neuroinflammation in Fly Models of Alzheimer's Disease"

Jennifer Edgar

Mentor: Dr. John Wise

Project Title: "Targeting an RND Transporter that Causes Multidrug Resistance in Gram-Negative Bacterial Pathogens"

Taylor Ervin

Mentor: Dr. Richard Jones

Project Title: "Polycomb-group Protein Recruitment"

 Nancy Feng

Mentor: Dr. Tran Minh-Binh

Project Title: "Wave Turbulance"

Stephen Frantz

Mentor: Dr. Hiroki Takeuchi

Project Title: "Global Value Chains, Free Trade Agreements and Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific"

Drishtant Gupta

Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Tabak

Project Title: "The Role of OXTR Methylation on Oxytocin Reactivity"

Angela He

Mentor: Dr. John Buynak

Project Title: "Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Antibiotics to Treat Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis"

Trevor Heinzman

Mentor: Dr. Peng Tao

Project Title: "Applying Computer Simulations to Understand the Catalytic Mechanism of B-lactamases to Hydrolyze B-lactum based antibiotics"

Abby Johnson

Mentor: Dr. Steven Vik

Project Title: "Assembly of the nuoE-F-G Subunits of Complex I"

Lisa Kim

Mentor: Dr. Alexander Lippert

Project Title: "Tuning the Kinetics of Chemiluminescent H2S Probes for Increased Sensitivity"

 Josephine Kimbrough

Mentor: Dr. Jodi Cooley, Dr. Robert Calkins

Project Title: "Electrostatic Mitigation of Radon Daughters Present in Boil-off Gases and Surface Activity Screening of Charged Samples"

Anni Kum

Mentor: Dr. Richard Jones

Project Title: "Polycomb-group Protein Recruitment"

Jesse LaBelle

Mentor: Dr. James Lake

Project Title: "How Access to Community Colleges Reduces the Adverse Labor Market Impacts in US Communities"

Monica Lee

Mentor: Dr. Maryann Cairns

Project Title: "Sustainability in the Clothing Industry"

Joseph Lee

Mentor: Dr. Adam Norris

Project Title: "Identifying Behavioral Difference Between Wild-Type C. Elegans and 'Double-Mutant' Strains"

Jonathan Lindbloom

Mentor: Dr. Alejandro Aceves

Project Title: "Light Beams at Nonlinear Interfaces"

Njeshi Nformi

Mentor: Dr. John Buynak

Project Title: "Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Antibiotics to Counter Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa"

Madeline Pan

Mentor: Dr. John Buynak

Project Title: "Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Carbapenem Antibiotics Targeting Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii"

Noah Pearson

Mentor: Dr. Joel Meyers

Project Title: "Searching for Gravitational Waves with Strongly Lensed Fast Radio Bursts"

Kyle Pekar

Mentor: Dr. TomÄe RunÄevski

Project Title: "New and Improved Formulations of Creatine"

Lauren Philpott

Mentor: Dr. Neely Myers

Project Title: "Pathways through Care"

Taylor Rients

Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Tabak

Project Title: "Oxytocin and Vasopressin as Predictors of Interpersonal Functioning"

Carol Sale

Mentor: Dr. Carolyn Smith-Morris

Project Title: "Moral Distress in the Context of Structural Violence"

Jacy Sparks

Mentor: Dr. Monnie McGee

Project Title: "Comparison of Performance Peaks for Male and Female Athletes in Track and Field Events"

Pooja Tewari

Mentor: Dr. Carolyn Smith-Morris

Project Title: "Meta-Analysis of Assessment Tools for Diabetes Medication Adherence and Barriers"

Rachel Thimmig

Mentor: Dr. Kacy Hollenback

Project Title: "Indigenous Technological Responses to Historic Smallpox Epidemics"

Taylor Wallace

Mentor: Dr. Jodi Cooley

Project Title: "Examining the Effect of Low-Speed Airflow on Radon Plate-out"

Alexander Wallace

Mentor: Dr. Robert Kehoe

Project Title: "Study of Cepheid Variable Stars: Simulations"

Patrick Wintergalen

Mentor: Dr. Sveta Radyuk

Project Title: "The Role of Hydrogen Gas in Healthy Aging and Disease"

 Xixi Zhou

Mentor: Dr. Robert Kehoe

Project Title: "Study of Cepheid Variable Stars: Photometry and Selection"