Transcriptable Specializations and Concentrations

1. Undergraduate Specializations

At the undergraduate level, the term 'specialization' is used. A transcripted specialization consists of a set of at least three courses and at least nine credit hours that share a common theme. To be transcripted, the specialization must be coded as a subplan by the Registrar. Such specializations are not standalone credentials, they must be component within a major.

Proposals for transcripted specializations require approval by the Undergraduate Council. Once approved, they are submitted by the college to the EPC for recommendation to the Provost.

Please refer to the following guidelines and use the following form to submit a proposal for transcriptable undergraduate specializations:

  • (found on the EPC website; also see below for instructions on cooperative agreements*)

* Instructions for Cooperative Agreements: Any program that relies on resources from another department must obtain an agreement from that department (and their Dean's Office if not Dedman College) to provide what is necessary to support the proposed program. Specifics must be provided. For example, faculty to teach courses, agreements to teach specific courses with a specified regularity, agreements for availability of seats, etc. Please include these agreements as part of the appendices for the EPC form.

2. Graduate Specializations and Concentrations

At the graduate level, departments may use either term - 'specialization' or 'concentration.' A transcripted specialization/concentration consists of a set of at least three courses and at least nine credits that share a common theme. To be transcripted, the specialization/concentration must be coded as a subplan by the Registrar. Such specializations/concentrations are not stand-alone credentials, they must be a component within the graduate program.

Proposals for transcripted specializations/concentrations require approval by the Graduate Council. Once approved, they are submitted by the college to the EPC for recommendation to the Provost.

Please refer to the following guidelines and use the following form to submit a proposal for transcriptable graduate specializations/concentrations:

  •  (found on the EPC website; also see below for instructions on cooperative agreements*)

* Instructions for Cooperative Agreements:Any program that relies on resources from another department must obtain an agreement from that department (and their Dean's Office if not Dedman College) to provide what is necessary to support the proposed program. Specifics must be provided. For example, faculty to teach courses, agreements to teach specific courses with a specified regularity, agreements for availability of seats, etc. Please include these agreements as part of the appendices for the EPC form.

Undergraduate and Graduate Council Meeting Schedule

Last updated on April 29, 2024.