Admissions and Financial Aid Committee
APC Subcommittee on Admissions and Financial Aid: Standing Charges 1. The Subcommittee on Admissions and Financial Aid is a subcommittee of the Senate Academic Policies Committee and reports to the Executive Committee and the Senate through that committee. 2. The Subcommittee shall represent the Senate in the University Admissions Council and inform the Senate of the Council's work. 3. Its members shall also be the Senate's nominees to the University Admissions Council, and the chair of the Subcommittee shall normally serve as chair of that Council. 4. The Subcommittee shall brief the Senate each fall on the current year's admissions results and financial aid commitments, and each spring on projections for the following year. The Subcommittee shall report annually to the Academic Policies Committee and Senate in writing. Additional Charges for AY 2024/5: The following specific charges are made with the understanding that members of this Subcommittee represent the faculty on the University Admissions Council and that these charges are, in effect, the business of the entire Council. Work with Associate Vice President Wes Waggoner and Associate Provost Sheri Kunovich to: