Olympia Brown and Max Kapp Awards
An award of $2,500 is made to a ministerial student who, in addition to meeting the requirements for general financial aid, chooses to submit as part of their general financial application a paper, sermon, or other special project on some aspect of Universalism. Entries are evaluated by an outside reader.
The Ministerial Credentialing Office has limited scholarship funds available to students enrolled full-time or at least half time in a Masters of Divinity degree program leading to fellowship as a Unitarian Universalist (UU) minister. Aspirant or candidate status is required. Deadline for receipt of financial applications each year is April 15th.
In addition, priority is given those grantees that have demonstrated outstanding ministerial ability secondarily to students with the greatest financial need, especially persons of color. Grantees will be primarily citizens of the United States and Canada, and if they continue to excel in both academic and social performance may be eligible for additional scholarships.
Unitarian Universalist Association
 Ministerial Education Department
 25 Beacon Street
 Boston, MA 02108
 Contact: Christine May