Technology Transfer & Commercialization Model:

From Research to Revenue

Technology Transfer and Commercialization Model

When assessing the commercial potential and societal benefits of an invention, it's essential to consider a range of metrics that provide insight into both its market viability and its potential impact on society.

Stages from Lab to Market

Innovative technology has inherent risk associated with its feasibility, scalability, and performance in real-world applications.  TT&C attempts to mitigate such risk by working with faculty inventors to conduct feasibility studies and proof-of-concept experiments designed to validate the technology's efficacy and potential market demand.   An invention’s journey from inception to commercialization typically involves several key stages, each with its own set of activities, challenges, and milestones.

Figure 2 summarizes key initial stages to get an invention ready for market.  It does not show the subsequent stages which include production scaling, commercial launch, and operational support.


Flow Chart : Evaluate Benefits invention brings to the market > Research > Disclosure > Evaluation >  Patentable? > Marketable? >  Seek Patent Protection > Protect > Patented > Seek licenses or investors for a new venture > License? or Venture?
Figure: Figure 2 – Technology Transfer model to assess technical feasibility and commercial appeal.